For us who missed it... what happened in the end?

PV Chemical Plant puts GC-161 on the market and fires Mr. Mack and all the other scientists who worked on the chemical. After Louis catches Alex morphing, the plant catches him talking about Alex's powers on a cell phone. Gary Payton captures Alex and traps hher for distruction along with her mother and father.

Ray saves her and her family in the end. They escape and while Gary Payton tries to leave with the money, he gets caught and taken away by the police thanks to Dave who told them the truth about GC-161. Alex tells all her friends the secret she had been hiding all this time.

bros chillin

Annie comes back to make sure Alex is all right. Mr. Mack develops a cure and gives it to Alex. She uses her power one last time and looks at the potion. We are clueless in the fact if she took it or not.