I know for a fact that someone, somewhere, an enventer played sonic riders and is truing to make a prototype. It wouldnt be the first time someone took an idea from a videogame and tryed to make it real.
But is it posable? (it would be frieaking AWSOME if some one made a real temporal hoverbord!)
Right now, I'm working on a scale model of one. It's made of a Teck Deck board (the wheel's are cut off, a hole through it), a piece of a garbage bag that's taped to the board (this part I haven't finished), and a straw so that air can go underneath (so that air goes into the bag).
Now, the bag will burst if air is constantly going in, so I am also making holes into the bag, and that should be it. If it doesn't work, I'll find some way to fix it.