takes mad abdominal strenght but an awsome ride as long as you don't get dropped.
have the hugger sit upright on the floor with his legs spread wide. the hugee sits between your legs but pulls their legs into their chest and pulls them in tight with their arms.
the hugger then wraps their arms around the front of the hugee holding them in the balled up position.
the hugger then starts to gently roll the hugee around in a circle on the floor increasing in speed and intensity.
after a few revolutions the hugger leans back while holding the hugee, pulling them off the floor. still rolling from side to side until the hugger is laying on his back. then back up still with the rolling motion.
finish with rolling the hugee around in a circle again...open your arms and lay back on the floor...the hugee will either melt back on to you or will get up and thank you for the ride.
this is better is you set up the experience. try telling a story to out the hugee in an imaginary state for flying through the air or riding a coaster.
be sure not to drop the hugee cuz it instantly kilss the ride ( almost painfully so)... NOT GOOD IF PRONE TO MOTION SICKNESS!!! GODD GET YUCKY