Hi hdrkid it's me once again I just wanted to say thanks for doing the astral trip to 1897 for me I appreciate that so what are you going to see and hear in that time? I haven't been successful with time travel with my ring but I will continue to practice in my first experience I did see shapes and was staring at the tv in like a trance but I didn't see a mist or fog this was a couple of weeks ago I wished to see the past or future and this is what happened! so your going to gas city indiana that seems like a cool place to go to let me know what happens but remember the hdr isn't very accurate with different times and places but you will have fun well I hope you have a good day and I will talk with you later on see ya later
Thanks Horseman:
BTW I went astral today to the future and saw that three middle eastern guys brought in thru the port of miami a device. They were in a large white work van. They crash into a red pickup truck and run away. The device goes off. The devices off!!!!
Bigboom like an SS20.They were driving it to New York. When it go off the white van is in downtown miami near the port.
Please check this. I made a second jump today and got more details, the three men are irenians. A girl was inside the red pickup truck. It was parked when they hit it. They were "suecides".
I was miles away when I saw the fireball, near the beach. It was BIG.
Hi Emperor:
The farthest I ever went with an HDR is the 2600's. However with two HDR's and a Tesla coil I was able to jump to 3527AD a world of floating cities.
Never been to 6037. Al Bielek says it is in ruins. In the town square of a deserted city he saw a golden horse on a pedestal with a clock in its belly.
My key to time travel is to find a grid point. You can use an inexpensive store bought compass. When it starts to spin, then you are over a magnetic vortex