hoverboards are not ready, there is nobody to build or market & they wouldn't make much & it wouldn't be worth it, they have lost faith in humanity, actual hoverboard test starting causing earthquakes, & if you look at the people who have them by other means they are having minor-noticable, big, earthquakes in those places, ... maybe they tryed to release hoverboards but their lack of understanding killed them.
its you that has the stolen hoverboard and its you thats been head of the terrorists all along and its you that thinks atlantis can be destroyed again and its you that made yesterdays news (the past) a trend. well i have news for you just because you have a bunch of stolen hoverboard parts that i'm sure you claim as your own doesnt mean you can threaten a long going experiment with your falsehood alligations against teleportation and "atlantis" if you thought i was trying to build atlantis you were wrong. its you that will try to build atlantis to counteract my experiments with these mind reading computers and my foundation will never crumble unlike some so called hoverboard ideas NASA cant even buy what i've got cus i'm not about the money either.
i'm also doing all the work myself because nobody can create what they dont know and nobody can use the idea because MOST dont even truely believe that hoverboards are possible. well i must say that after alot of hard work this piece of equipment is the most technologically advanced thing i've ever seen and once i get these glass highways setup my experimenting will be done and it will soon be on the market. this just in, today i found a way using real glass off the periodic table to slow down the teleportation into sections allowing me to see what you might call "volcano spirits" that then lead me to where i end up. next i'm going to use streams of glass to setup a highway that will lead straight to where i want to go and the "volcano spirit" will have no choice but to follow it.