Yeah I agree with WB don't try to contact them if your not ready, I have done wrong for note (played an ouija board after having my first experience and it made things worse).
I was trying to contact them but whatever I did contact was a demon and I know for a fact and no one can prove me wrong. Since I'm a strong catholic and believe in the bible, I read it I don't know at least 10 times because whatever was banished. I think because of my guardian angle who sticks with me day and night.
So just things can happen when your not ready, I think you could get a friend over or someone who isn't fully skeptical like my friend who doesn't believe in anything and just sit down and try and have a friendly chat like neighbors do, and if you are brave and foolish enough like me and try EVP,
send the recording to an investigator or add it to you tube and give us the link so we can see what it wants for more help,
God bless
Demon boy.