
Ending Ontario's spring 1999 bear harvest is an insult to anyone who truly cares about a healthy, balanced wild. There is no excuse for this nonsense. Giving credence to the rantings of a lunatic fringe of animal terrorists is nothing short of a sin.

Let it be known as the president, director, chairman, or lifetime member of nearly every sporting/conservation organization in north america, my family and these organization, forthwith, will dedicate our every waking hour to boycotting Canada. We will rally all sporters and all citizens to avoid Canada like the plague. After this gesture of buffoonery, we refuse to tolerate anymore indecency. No walleye fishermen, no pike, no trout, no salmon, no waterfowl, no deer, moose, bear, caribou, topless bars, casinos, it's over.

Keeping the spirit of the Wild Strong and Free.

Ted Nugent