Me, the retard and my brother were keen on getting high. The retard brought cream chargers, a can of butane, and a sad substitute for absinthe (vodka+wormwood). The 'absinthe' was a total fucking waste, I could only handle about three or four shots (
more than most people I know who try and drink that crap!) The cream charges were fun but were over much to quickly. With the last few charges I sucked in a lungful of Butane afterwards in an attempt to prolong the effect. It did little to prolong the euphoria, but the patterns and fuzzieness of sight & sound lasted longer. It was only after the charges ran out that we hit the butane HARD! If it wasn't for desperatoin I don't think I'd even try butane, let alone keep at it, but we were all determined to get really fucked up.

The next thing I remember was looking at a strange gray pattern, I looked at it for what seemed a very long time before realising it was the sky. I realised then that if I was looking up at the sky, then I was lying on my back. I sat up and looked around. I saw a weird shape, part of my brain suggested this was human known as 'the retard' but most of my mind seemed doubtful, I tested this by calling to him and was genuinely suprised when he responded.

After that I felt extremely nauseas, a sick combinatoin of butane, wormwood and mcdonalds. I retched numerous times but couldn't seem to vomit. I coughed up masses of white froth, tinged ever so slightly with green (fucking wormwood). We staggered back and I went to bed immediately. I felt sick and fatigued with a headache. For a fun experience with inhalants I prefer Nitrous oxide or even varnish fumes.